Making money on Instagram — even if you’re not quite an influencer

Monetizing your Instagram account may be an excellent way to build some side income—whether that’s drawing attention to an outside business or leveraging your talent for food photography to hook some affiliate deals.
Not sure how to get started? Here’s a look at some ways to monetize, outside of slinging FitTea for ungodly sums of cash.

How to make money on Instagram

Start building a solid following

Successful marketing on social media tends to fall into proportion with your follower count. That’s not to say that you need to have this massive following. But you’re not going to sell anything if no one can find you. Sorry.
So, assuming you’ve got your Instagram following — an engaged audience that likes what you’re putting out there — it’s time to figure out how to profit off of your influence.
The next step is learning what your audience wants to see, and either promoting your products to that audience or connecting with brands that this group already likes.
The third ingredient is pulling those elements together in a way that feels authentic to everyone involved.
That means you, your followers, and any brands you work with. It’s a tricky balancing act.


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